Preparing for Online Zoom Lessons

  • Use a laptop or computer instead of a phone or tablet.
  • If possible, connect to your router via an ethernet cable instead of relying on Wi-Fi. This is especially important if your home has thick walls or a weak Wi-Fi signal by your piano. (You can buy a 20m cable for £20 on Amazon.)
  • Ensure you have the latest version of Zoom installed on your device. Check for updates before each lesson as Zoom updates frequently.
  • Click here to learn how to configure Zoom for the best audio quality during your music lesson. Proper audio settings prevent Zoom from overprocessing sounds, allowing the teacher to hear more clearly and provide better feedback.
  • For theory/aural lessons, using wired headphones will further optimise the learning experience. This setup improves audio clarity. For piano/clarinet lessons, using wired headphones can be trickier depending on your setup.
  • For piano lessons, position the camera to show the pupil’s hands on the keyboard. A raised side-on view is best. While seeing the pupil’s face is nice, being able to check fingering and posture is more beneficial.
  • Login details for Zoom lessons are included on invoices, along with a link to the terms and conditions for taking online lessons with Jack.